The 'John Wayne' GP contract - and the Consequences of the increase in demand for
Primary Health Care
Why is General Practice unpopular, with low morale, falling
applications for training, and according to some experts poor overall
performance? Having worked as a GP for over 25 years, it is clear to me that
this is in fact an inevitable result of the way we are paid mainly according to
capitation rather than by item of service. This has allowed our managers to add
massively to our workload while workforce capacity has only increased slightly.
Chronic Disease management is perhaps the area of our work
that has increased the most. For example, the number of patients with Diabetes
has roughly doubled in the last 15 years, and the management of each patient has
become much more complex. The management of Atrial Fibrillation used to be a
pretty simple affair of titrating Digoxin dosage, but now requires a complex
analysis of a whole variety of options for treatment. If patients are put on Warfarin,
they then require monthly blood tests, prescribing other medication is tricky
and time consuming, and the planning of medical procedures is more complex.
There are more elderly patients and they are treated with more drugs and that
all takes more time. There are far more lab test results to be checked and this
has become a major part of a GP’s workload.
Preventive Medicine used largely to be a matter of cervical
smears and checking Blood pressures. Now we are supposed to ‘make each
consultation count’ and deal with obesity, smoking, alcohol, domestic violence,
osteoporosis prevention, as well as advise on breast and prostate and bowel
screening. NICE guidelines, for example on prevention of Cardiovascular disease
with Statins, take no account of their effect on the demand for consultations with
Administration work has gone up hugely – The QOF, the CQC,
CCG’s, prescribing and referral analysis, applying NICE and other guidelines,
and preparing for appraisal and revalidation. Adding up all the time spent by
local doctors on the CCG in our area uses up around 2% of the total GP
workforce. All of these have been added to our workload in the last 10-15years.
Work involved in liaising with hospitals has also increased vastly. Just
dealing with incoming correspondence (still mostly arriving on paper rather
than electronically!) is now a major burden. The number of hospital doctors has
increased far more than GP numbers, and the amount of mail has gone up
correspondingly, together with sometimes unreasonable expectations of our
ability to carry out their instructions in terms of prescribing and follow up
There has also been big increase in the demand from patients
arising from well meaning advice from health charities and public health
campaigns. We see patients every week who are worried about trivial skin
blemishes, as a result of increased awareness of the relatively rare condition
of melanoma. Similarly, we regularly see terrified men who are sure that they
have testicular cancer, which killed all of 63 men in the UK last year, according
to the most recent statistics.
There is also an increasing medicalisation of some aspects
of life that has increased demand on GP’s. ADHD and the epidemic of
‘depression’ are the main examples.
The underlying problem is the open ended job description of
the GP contract – aptly named the “John Wayne” contract which basically says
that ‘a gp has to do what a gp has to do’. There has been an obvious temptation for the NHS management
to exploit this very loose definition of our responsibilities
We have coped with this to some extent. There has been an
increase in the share of our work done by nurses. In some ways this has been an
advance as they are often more systematic, although patients often complain
that they have to attend several different nurse run clinics, one for each of
their chronic diseases.
The adverse consequences, however, have been huge. Care has
become disease centred, rather than patient centred, polypharmacy is rife, and
we manage multimorbidity badly. We do far less home visiting, and some of our
most deserving patients are thereby neglected. Continuity of care has
plummeted, sometimes leading to a tendency for overworked doctors to shunt on problems to each other, sometimes by
arranging needless investigations. Access to GP’s has become more difficult for patients, with
many practices putting up barriers in the form of complex telephone menu
systems and triage nurses.
So when experts accuse GP’s of performing poorly citing for
example the UK’s poor statistics on early diagnosis of Cancers – perhaps they
should look for the underlying reasons why the vital job of sorting the wheat
from the chaff, and spotting the patient with the serious disease, has been
pushed aside by all the extra work that has been piled onto our plates.
And the next time someone gets an idea that GP’s should take
on some new function, then the question must be – who will be taking on the job
that we will stop doing as a
consequence? – because we will stop doing something.